Life Plan Community (LPC)/CCRC

Happy older woman. Text: Is your care continuum optimized?

residents need a holistic health advocate by their side

Older couple holding hands

Like you, Friends Life Care knows older adults too.

With over 30 years of service to the aging population, Friends Life Care is the nation’s largest, oldest and strongest Continuing Care at Home provider.

Our focus is, and always has been, on helping people thrive in their home as they age.  This includes ILUs for residents in communities. We do so by putting protocols, processes and engaging relationships in place to keep seniors living independently as long as possible. 

We can partner to optimize your care continuum management.  Current residents will be delighted.  Future residents will see the value as they make their decision to move in.

Contact us. Find out more about our wellness and care coordination outcomes, proprietary assessment approach and proven risk stratification methods.