Carol A. Barbour, MBA

Carol A. Barbour has been with VigR Health, Inc. since it was founded in 2022.  She recently transitioned from her role at Friends Life Care Partners and its subsidiary corporations where she spent over 35 years, including 32 years as the CEO & President. Carol was part of the founding team that developed the Continuing Care at Home (CCaH) business model in the 1980s. And she provided leadership to the initial launch and decades-long growth of Friends Life Care, the first and largest CCaH plan in the nation.  This set the foundation for VigR Health, Inc. to be formed as it is the B2B2C arm of Friends Life Care Partners. VigR Health, Inc. delivers its Engagement Solution, technology platform, predictive model, and Assessment-Based Certificate training program for care managers to businesses such as long-term care insurance carriers, life plan communicates and CCaH plans. Ms. Barbour holds a Bachelor of Music degree from University of Miami and an M.B.A. in Health Administration from Temple University.