Best Practices and Methodologies

Hand stopping dominoes from falling. Text: Our capabilities are directly transferrable to long-term care insurance carriers.

A vision of innovation, responsiveness to changing consumer preferences through the generations and focus on outcomes make us who we are.

In 2019, we began a 2-year Pilot Program with one of the largest Long-Term Care Insurance Carrier in the US.  Learn more about this experience and how we can partner to launch a win-win engagement that delights your policyholders and reduces claims costs.



In 2020, we partnered with a prominent actuarial consulting firm to conduct an in-depth analysis of our decades of unique, longitudinal data. 

The result is a predictive model that identifies those characteristics leading to the need for care outside the home, the effectiveness of specific interventions in reducing the risk for future claims and more.


We are recognized as a trusted advisor, with the inside information to enable tangible and positive operational improvements for Insurance Carriers and for long-term care insurance policyholders. 

Our results are consistent and reliable year after year.

Whiteboard with line graph.

Risk & claim control

A key differentiator is that we have robust pre-claim and post-claim engagement through our Care Coordinator program to reduce cost and risk.

Two women talking.

customer satisfaction

We receive high marks on satisfaction surveys as program participants feel the value of our Care Coordination program.

Mobile phone with gear

Predictive Modeling

The CCAH Business Model shares attributes with LTCI. Our predictive modeling can help stratify and manage Policyholder claim risk.